Product added to basket
We are currently experiencing increased demand for our products, so please expect possible delivery delays while demand remains high. However in the event of a delay, we will endeavour to notify you.
Product shortages due to Brext?
We source a lot of supplies from the UK and are experiencing significant delivery disruptions for some products. If a product has been oversold and is sourced in the UK we may have to cancel your order as we may not be in a position to give an accurate lead time for replinishment stocks. If this occurs, you will receive an email notification of this and any payment hold will disappear shortly.
What happens when your order has been shipped by Lenehans?
Once an order has shipped the status will change from processing to complete. At this time you will receive a shipping email. (if you do not receive one, please check your spam folder)
Once our couriers (An Post) have collected your parcel a further email will be sent by them showing where in the postage system your order is.
As An Post are also experiencing increased demand, it is possible there could be a delay in An Post registering your order's tracking number.
Please be patient as this is only a delay and your order is still en route to you.
Greenhouse Deliveries:
Due to an unprecedented demand for our Greenhouses and extra challenges caused by Brexit, delivery times are impacted as follows.
Vitavia - Please allow a minimium of 8-15 weeks delivery
Juliana / Eden & Halls - There is currently a 20 - 30 Week delivery time.
If you wish to cancel your greenhouse order, please email [email protected]
Checkout issues?
We have been made aware from some customers of difficulties checking out while logged into their account.
Until this is fixed if you log out of your account and checkout as a guest you will be able to checkout as normal.
At times it may be necessary for us to pause new orders. This will mean that our website will be open, but the checkout will be disabled.
Our product range may also be curtailed during this period and only certain products maybe available for home delivery.
Restricted quantities and sizes
Our couriers have placed certain restrictions on quanties of Paint we are able to send. If an order falls within these restrictions we may limit quantities and refund the dfference.
We will clearly label your order with a list of the item(s) that were not delivered and a refund will be processed the following working day.
If you have not received a refund within 7 days, please contact us at [email protected]
Answering your queries
We are experiencing a high level of queries and this is resulting in delays in replies. We ask you email any queries to [email protected] as this is a more efficient communications channel.
We thank you for your custom and patience during these times.