July in the Garden

By now your garden should be full of colour and hopefully you are getting time and the weather to enjoy it.


Jobs in the garden in July

  • Control garden ants with a dressing of Stop Ants. Simply apply the powder to the affected area. (See our range of Ant repelling products)
  • New lawns can be sown during July and August. Prepare the soil now by killing off unwanted weeds and grass with Weed Free 360. Cultivate the soil two weeks later and firm the soil down before sowing Green Velvet lawn seed.
  • In dry weather apply a dressing of potato blight treatment to help keep your developing stalks clear from the dreaded disease. July is the most important month to keep your potato stalks protected – remember that potato blight can also affect tomatoes. Apply a dressing of Proxanil to all potato stems now.
  • Caterpillars will now be emerging on Cabbage, Cauliflower and Broccoli plants. In fact, the warmer weather encourages the development of many garden pests. Take action now and treat your garden vegetables to an anti caterpillar treatment before too much damage is caused.
  • Mid July is an excellent time to take cuttings of your favourite plants including Hydrangeas, Fuchsias, Hebes, Potentillia, Spiraea and Hypericiums. Please use some rooting powder on the base of the cutting to encourage quick rooting and stronger plants.
  • If you are growing tomatoes or cucumber, feed the plants from now on weekly with One Plant Food. Apply the liquid feed at the base of the tomato plants to ensure a strong clean stem with lots of fruiting clusters.
  • Plant double flowering Dwarf Dahlias in flower borders and beds for long lasting summer colour. Remember to feed all bedding and patio plants with One Plant Food weekly for larger blooms.