Greenhouse Gardening June


May is nearly over, June is close.

Hopefully this means better weather is on the way. For those of you with a greenhouse, the weather may not be so much of an issue, but it may be time to start moving some of those plants outside.

With June on the way here’s a few greenhouse tips and jobs to consider…

Stop using greenhouse heating - service and store heaters until the winter

Keep using shading as plants are prone to scorching

Keep temperature down by continued ventilation

Feed and water plants regularly

Damp down floors if the weather is sunny to cool and humidify the greenhouse

Move plants for the garden out of the greenhouse - Harden off first

Clean and tidy up plant pots and trays

Move Carnations and Chrysanthemums outside

Move Hanging Baskets and Tubs outside

Plant summer flowering Bedding Plants in the garden

Fresh Vegetables

Harvest early Tomatoes and Cucumbers

Harvest Lettuce, Carrots, French Beans, Beetroot and Radishes

Happy Gardening!