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Big Cheese Quick Click Rat Trap 2 Pack

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Big Cheese Ultra Power All-Metal Selfset Mouse Trap Previous Big Cheese Ultra Power All-Metal Selfset Mouse Trap

Big Cheese Quick Click Rat Trap 2 Pack

Twinpack of new improved traps. Quick Click Rat Traps are supplied baited, ready-to-use. Double the snap and holding power. The one-quick-click design makes them easier to set than traditional traps and also allows quick and easy disposal of captured rats. Use multiple traps in severely affected areas: rats live in groups and traps placed 4-5 metres apart will ensure the maximum catch.

  • Powerful double-spring mechanism guarantees a quick kill.

  • One click to set and another click to dispose of catch.

  • Fresh baited and ready-to-use.

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Customer Questions
What does the included attractant contain?
The trap is pre-baited with a prune-based attractant specially designed by The Big Cheese to improve catch rates
What should I use to re-bait the trap?
The Mouse & Rat Attractant from The Big Cheese (STV163) can be used or a sticky substance such as peanut butter, jam, or chocolate spread.
Where should I position the trap?
Place set traps in locations where rodent activity is known or suspected.
How should I dispose of the caught rat?
Double bag the rat and put it in the household general waste bin.
Can the traps be used outside?
It is recommended that the traps are used under cover.
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